Electrical Engineering Firm's Employee Handbook Mirrors Policies For On Brand Culture Fit
Through an initial HR audit, TPD discovered an electrical engineering and lighting design company’s employee handbook was over 200 pages long, and not entirely reflective of company policies or its employer brand.
The handbook lacked key areas that meant the company was not fully compliant for certain government bids crucial to the success of the business. The review uncovered policies to be out of date, or missing altogether.
As a consequence of having a long, convoluted document – the onboarding process with new hires was difficult.
In order to simplify the employee onboarding process, ensure legal compliance, and create a clear and comprehensive policy manual reflective of the company’s brand, TPD went to work.
After evaluating what was already in place, TPD narrowed down key policies, based on industry and company size, to add to their employee handbook.
The first objective was to write the employee handbook so that it was clear and comprehensible. TPD drafted a much shorter handbook, as well as a truncated, online version that was reflective of the brand.
By collaborating directly with the CEO to refine guidelines, the construction design firm adopted a better sick day policy, and developed a program around employees working remotely.
By condensing the lengthy handbook, the new hire onboarding process was simplified. Through creating an accessible truncated online version, policies are always readily available for all employees to reference.
The improved policies surrounding sick days, vacation days, and working remotely, allowed the handbook to more accurately reflect the company’s culture.
Most importantly, by becoming fully compliant in their handbook, it created unlimited business potential to bid on large government contracts.
TPD continues to partner with the creative construction firm on an ongoing basis, acting as their go-to workforce resource in their office for two days per week.
Working with TPD, things just get done. They are experts in the field and have a finger on the pulse of what’s been tried and what works. We don’t have to learn those lessons the hard way.
Elaine Chong AES Engineering Ltd.
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